Andhra Bank Retired Employees Association (ABREA) took birth on 24th August 1997 with 15 members with an aim to co-ordinate the retirees and to take up their issues to the notice of the bank management and other concerned authorities for resolution. The endeavour of the association is to extend helping hand to the former employees of the Bank with regard to Pension/Family pension benefits, Welfare, Health and other associated activities.

The founder President and General Secretary of the association were Shri Manepalli Krishna Rao and Shri BVS Sanyasi Rao respectively. Subsequently Shri Y Bhaskara Rao, Shri N.Rama Raju, Shri Panduranga Rao etc., headed the association and laid a strong foundation.

ABREA has been growing from strength to strength during the last one decade and the membership has crossed 11,000 as on 15-09-2024 with pan-india presence. The association has strong organisation structure with democratic values. ABREA is affiliated to All India Bank Retirees Federation (AIBRF), a vibrant apex organisation representing more than 2 lakh Bank Retirees across the country.

We have conducted Centenary Celebrations on 28.11.2022 across the country with festive mood. ABREA propose to have “100 activities”which includes Felicitation to Senior Citizens/ Customers/Unsung Heroes/Employees, Distribution of food/fruits/necessities to the Orphans/Oldage people, Kits to students, Organising Essay/Elecution/Quiz competitions, Providing Leads to Bank, Rallies, Release of Souvenir etc., during the year 2022-23. Let us pay our rich tributes to our beloved e-andhrabank by making the year-long program a grand success.

The present team of ABREA is headed by A.Rajendra Prasad, Chairman, Sri Krishna Murthy V Varanasi, President, Sri N S N Reddy, General Secretary and Sri K Ravikumar, Treasurer.

Contact us

Andhra Bank Retired Employees' Association
#215,Kubera Towers,
opp Taj Mahal Hotel,Narayanaguda